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Prognostic Value of Coronary CTA in Stable Chest Pain: CAD-RADS, CAC, and Cardiovascular Events in PROMISEFree Access

Original Research

J Am Coll Cardiol Img, 13 (7) 1534–1545

Central Illustration



The purpose of this study was to compare Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS) to traditional stenosis categories and the coronary artery calcium score (CACS) for predicting cardiovascular events in patients with stable chest pain and suspected coronary artery disease (CAD).


The 2016 CAD-RADS has been established to standardize the reporting of CAD on coronary CT angiography (CTA).


PROMISE (Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain) trial participants’ CTAs were assessed by a central CT core laboratory for CACS, traditional stenosis-based categories, and modified CAD-RADS grade including high-risk coronary plaque (HRP) features. Traditional stenosis categories and CAD-RADS grade were compared for the prediction of the composite endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, or hospitalization for unstable angina over a median follow-up of 25 months. Incremental prognostic value over traditional risk factors and CACS was assessed.


In 3,840 eligible patients (mean age: 60.4 ± 8.2 years; 49% men), 3.0% (115) experienced events. CAD-RADS (concordance statistic [C-statistic] 0.747) had significantly higher discriminatory value than traditional stenosis-based assessments (C-statistic 0.698 to 0.717; all p for comparison ≤0.001). With no plaque (CAD-RADS 0) as the baseline, the hazard ratio (HR) for an event increased from 2.43 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16 to 5.08) for CAD-RADS 1 to 21.84 (95% CI: 8.63 to 55.26) for CAD-RADS 4b and 5. In stepwise nested models, CAD-RADS added incremental prognostic value beyond ASCVD risk score and CACS (C-statistic 0.776 vs. 0.682; p < 0.001), and added incremental value persisted in all CACS strata.


These data from a large representative contemporary cohort of patients undergoing coronary CTA for stable chest pain support the prognostic value of CAD-RADS as a standard reporting system for coronary CTA.


The current 2012 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines give a Class IIb indication for coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) for patients with stable chest pain (1). In 2015, 2 large randomized controlled trials (PROMISE [Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain] and SCOT-HEART [Scottish Computed Tomography of the HEART), demonstrated that a diagnostic strategy including CTA has similar to superior health outcomes to functional testing in stable chest pain, again confirmed by the 5-year follow-up data from SCOT-HEART in 2018 (2–4). In 2016, these results led the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to recommend coronary CTA as the first-line test for patients with atypical or typical anginal symptoms (5). Based on these developments, it seems likely that coronary CTA will take an increasingly important role in the evaluation of chest pain.

Over the last 20 years, many studies have established the high diagnostic accuracy of coronary CTA to detect obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) on invasive coronary angiography (6–8). Likewise CTA can also identify nonobstructive plaque and high-risk plaque (HRP) seen on intravascular ultrasound (9–11). Obstructive plaque, nonobstructive plaque, and HRP are independent predictors of major adverse coronary events (MACE) and have the potential to guide management decisions (2,4,12,13). Initially, prognostic studies were limited to assessing the value of stenosis, which remains the strongest predictor of future MACE. More recently, the value of nonobstructive CAD and HRP has been established (12,14). The coronary artery calcium score (CACS) is often acquired before coronary CTA, and although the prognostic value of CACS is best established in asymptomatic populations, it also has strong prognostic value in patients with stable chest pain (15,16).

To standardize and facilitate the reporting of CAD on coronary CTA, in 2016 the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI) established the Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS) (17). Compared with the prevailing traditional cut points for per-lesion stenosis on CTA (0%, 1% to 49%, 50% to 69%, 70% to 100%), CAD-RADS adds additional categories intended for risk stratification: 1) explicitly differentiating between minimal (1% to 29%) and mild (30% to 49%) stenosis; 2) adding categories for left main and multivessel stenosis; and 3) including HRP features. However, the prognostic value of CAD-RADS including HRP and whether there is incremental value beyond existing traditional stenosis categories, ASCVD risk score, or CACS is not known.

Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prognostic value of CAD-RADS and compare with established predictors of MACE in a large contemporary population with stable chest pain.


Study design and population

The PROMISE trial was a randomized comparative effectiveness trial in stable outpatients with chest pain who required noninvasive cardiac testing to determine the presence of obstructive CAD or myocardial ischemia. The study population and inclusion and exclusion criteria are detailed elsewhere (2,18). In brief, 10,003 patients from 193 sites across North America with expertise in the fields of cardiology, primary care, radiology, and anesthesia were included in PROMISE between July 2010, and September 2013. Patients were randomly assigned to either anatomic coronary CTA or functional testing (exercise electrocardiography, stress echocardiography, or nuclear stress testing), with interpretation of testing and subsequent decision making by the local physicians. Local institutional review boards approved the study, and all patients provided written informed consent.

Our analysis included PROMISE patients who were randomized to the coronary CTA arm and received diagnostic noncontrast CT for calcium scoring and contrast-enhanced coronary CTA (Figure 1). In the parent PROMISE trial, the noncontrast CT before the coronary CTA was not mandatory but left to the discretion of site investigators.

Figure 1
Figure 1

Consort Diagram

Consort diagram showing included and excluded patients originating from the coronary CTA-arm of the parent PROMISE (Prospective Multicenter Imaging Study for Evaluation of Chest Pain) trial.


Coronary artery calcification was assessed on all available noncontrast CT datasets by 1 of 7 readers blinded to clinical information and outcome. We quantified the CACS using the Agatston method and dedicated software (Syngo.via, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany). Upfront interobserver agreement was assessed in 30 randomly selected noncontrast CT datasets with an intraclass correlation coefficient ranging from 0.99 to 1.00 among all readers.

Coronary CTA datasets were analyzed by 1 of 6 expert readers in coronary CTA who were also blinded to clinical information and outcome (19). Upfront interobserver reliability was assessed using 50 randomly selected coronary CTAs among all readers (≥70% stenosis or left main ≥50% stenosis: kappa = 0.69; HRP: kappa = 0.56). Evaluable coronary artery segments were assessed for the presence of stenosis using 5 predefined categories: 0%, 1% to 29%, 30% to 49%, 50% to 69%, or ≥70% stenosis. Stenosis was categorized in 3 ways.

First, stenosis were categorized using CAD-RADS (17). CAD-RADS was introduced after the start of the core laboratory measurements; to translate our stenosis categories to those in CAD-RADS, we made a minor modification to CAD-RADS category 1 (stenosis 1% to 29% instead of 1% to 24%) and category 2 (stenosis 30% to 49% instead of 25% to 49%). Thus, this analysis evaluates a slightly modified CAD-RADS; the term CAD-RADS is used throughout for readability.

Second, we defined traditional stenosis in 2 ways. Traditional definition 1 corresponds to the pre-existing standard for coronary CTA including stenosis categories of no CAD (0%), mild CAD (1% to 49% stenosis), moderate CAD (50% to 69% stenosis in any major vessels/branch), severe CAD (≥50% stenosis of left main [LM] or ≥70% in any major vessel/branch). Traditional definition 2 was defined according to the obstructive CAD definition used in the PROMISE trial (14): normal (absence of coronary atherosclerosis), mildly abnormal (nonobstructive CAD: 1% to 69% stenosis in any major vessels/branch, or <50% LM stenosis), moderately abnormal (obstructive CAD: ≥70% stenosis in 1 major vessel/branch), and severely abnormal (high-risk CAD: 2 or more vessel disease (≥70%), or ≥50% LM stenosis, or ≥70% proximal left anterior descending [LAD] stenosis).

Beyond stenosis, all coronary segments were assessed for HRP features (positive remodeling, spotty calcification, low CT attenuation <30 HU and napkin-ring sign) as previously defined (12). As per the CAD-RADS definition, the “V” modifier for “vulnerable plaque” was defined as 2 or more HRP features in at least 1 coronary plaque/segment (17).

Study endpoint

The endpoint was a composite of death from any cause, myocardial infarction (MI), or hospitalization for unstable angina (UAP). An independent clinical events committee adjudicated all endpoints in a blinded fashion on the basis of standard prospectively determined definitions (2,18).

Statistical analysis

Continuous variables are presented as mean ± SD. Categorical and ordinal variables are presented as frequencies and proportions. Comparisons among groups were performed using an independent sample Student's t-test for continuous variables, the Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables, and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for ordinal variables.

Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to calculate hazard ratios unadjusted and adjusted for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score with 95% confidence intervals and assess the relationship of test results to the time to the first clinical event (or censoring) (20). Cumulative event rates based on test results were computed for each testing strategy (CACS, stenosis, or CAD-RADS) using the Kaplan-Meier method (21).

The discriminatory value of traditional and CAD-RADS grading schemes for the composite outcome was assessed using the C-statistic (22,23). Because of low individual prevalence, CAD-RADS categories 4b and 5 were combined as 1 composite category. A stepwise C-statistic comparison between nested models assessed the incremental prognostic value of ASCVD, CACS, and CAD-RADS over ASCVD risk score. C-statistics were compared using “somersd” and “lincom” packages in Stata (SE 14.2, StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas). The Stata routines used to compare the C-statistics account for the nested-model structure.

A 2-sided p value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. All analyses were performed using Stata.


Of 4,996 PROMISE patients randomized to an anatomic testing strategy (CTA), 3,840 patients (77%) were included in the analysis. The reasons for exclusion are provided in Figure 1. Excluded patients were older, differed in risk profile and presenting symptoms, and had a higher prevalence of statin therapy compared with included patients (Supplemental Table 1).

Of those patients included in the study, the mean age was 60.4 ± 8.2 years, and 49% (1,868 of 3,840) were men (Table 1). Over median follow-up of 25 months (interquartile range 18 to 34 months), 115 patients (3.0%) experienced the composite outcome, including 53 (1.4%) all-cause deaths, 29 (0.8%) cardiovascular deaths, 18 (0.5%) MIs, and 46 (1.2%) admissions for UAP.

Table 1 Baseline Characteristics of PROMISE Patients Included in This Analysis (N = 3,840)

 Age (yrs)60.4 ± 8.2
 Male1,868/3,840 (48.7)
 Racial or ethnic minority861/3,814 (22.6)
Cardiac risk factors
 BMI (kg/m2)30.3 ± 5.8
 Hypertension2,461/3,840 (64.1)
 Diabetes778/3,840 (20.3)
 Dyslipidemia2,588/3,840 (67.4)
 Family history of premature CAD1,272/3,829 (33.2)
 Peripheral or cerebrovascular disease192/3,839 (5.0)
 CAD equivalent920/3,840 (24.0)
 History of heart failure150/3840 (3.9)
 Metabolic syndrome§1,393/3,840 (36.3)
 Current or past tobacco use1,977/3,839 (51.5)
 Sedentary lifestyle1,844/3.832 (48.1)
 History of depression732/3,840 (19.1)
Risk factor burden and risk score
 No risk factors97/3,840 (2.5)
 Risk factor burden2.4 ± 1.1
 Combined Diamond-Forrester and Coronary Artery surgery risk score#53.0 ± 21.1
Framingham risk score
 Low risk (<6%)253/3,834 (6.6)
 Intermediate risk (6%-20%)2,006/3,834 (52.3)
 High risk (>20%)1,575/3,834 (41.1)
ASCVD pooled cohort risk prediction (2013)
 Low risk (<7.5%)1,249/3,795 (32.9)
 Elevated risk (≥7.5%)2,546/3,795 (67.1)
Relevant medications
 Beta-blocker911/3,675 (24.8)
 ACE or ARB1,586/3,675 (43.2)
 Statin1,670/3,675 (45.4)
 Aspirin1,648/3,675 (44.8)
 Clopidogrel48/3,675 (1.3)
 Prasugrel1/3,675 (0.03)
 Warfarin53/3,675 (1.4)
Primary presenting symptom and anginal type
 Chest pain2,810/3,837 (73.2)
 Dyspnea on exertion547/3,837 (14.3)
Anginal type, site-reported∗∗
 Typical408/3,840 (10.6)
 Atypical3,021/3,840 (78.7)
 Nonanginal411/3,840 (10.7)

Values are mean ± SD or n/N (%). Body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.

ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB = angiotensin-receptor blocker; ASCVD = atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; BMI = body mass index; CAD = coronary artery disease.

∗ A family history of premature CAD was defined as diagnosis of the disease in a male first-degree relative before 55 yrs of age or in a female first-degree relative before 65 years of age.

† CAD risk equivalent was defined as diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or cerebrovascular disease.

‡ The metabolic syndrome was defined according to consensus criteria of the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

§ Sedentary lifestyle was defined by the patient as not participating in regular physical activities at least 1 time per week over the previous month.

‖ Racial or ethnic minority group was self-reported, with the status of “minority” being defined by the patient.

¶ Risk factors included hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history of premature CAD, and tobacco use.

# Combined Diamond and Forrester and Coronary Artery Surgery Study risk scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of obstructive CAD.

∗∗ The type of angina was reported by the study-site investigators.

Prevalence of CAD

On coronary CTA, 1,303 (34%) of patients had no visible CAD, whereas 186 (4.8%) showed 70% to 99% stenosis (CAD-RADS 4a), and 54 (1.4%) showed ≥50% LM or ≥70% stenosis in 3 vessels (CAD-RADS 4b and 5). Using the traditional definition 1, 294 (7.7%) and 240 (6.3%) patients had moderate (50% to 69% stenosis) and severe stenosis (≥50% stenosis of LM or ≥70% in any major vessel), respectively. Using the traditional definition 2, moderately abnormal (≥70% stenosis in 1 major vessel) and severely abnormal (≥2 vessel disease (≥70%), or ≥50% LM stenosis, or ≥70% proximal LAD stenosis) were detected in 145 (3.8%) and 95 (2.5%) patients, respectively.

Any HRP feature was present in 1,938 (50.5%) patients, of whom 416 (21.5%) had at least 1 coronary segment with 2 or more HRP features. The number of patients with presence of 2 or more HRP features per segment gradually increased across CAD-RADS categories from 9.1% (112 of 1,236) for CAD-RADS 1% to 37.0% (20 of 54) for CAD-RADS 4b and 5 (p < 0.001).

Downstream invasive angiography and revascularization

Overall, 437 (11.4%) patients underwent invasive coronary angiography (ICA), of whom 217 (49.7%) were revascularized. As displayed in Supplemental Table 2, the rate of ICA as well as the percent leading to revascularization increased across CAD-RADS categories (both p < 0.001), with CAD-RADS 4a and 4b and 5 showing the highest rates of ICA (61.8% [115 of 186] and 64.8% [35 of 54]) and revascularization (50.5% [94 of 186] and 46.3% [25 of 54]), respectively. The proportion of ICA leading to revascularization increased from 10% (6 of 56) for CAD-RADS 1% to 82% (94 of 115) for CAD-RADS 4a and 71% (25 of 35) for CAD-RADS 4b and 5.

Prognostic value of presence and extent of CAD

Higher CAD stenosis category by CTA was significantly associated with the composite endpoint in univariate and multivariate analysis (adjusted for ASCVD risk score) for all definitions used to categorize degree of stenosis (traditional definition 1, traditional definition 2, and CAD-RADS categories) as displayed in Table 2. The risk for the composite endpoint increased from HR 2.43 (95% CI: 1.16 to 5.08) for CAD-RADS 1 to HR 21.84 (95% CI: 8.63 to 55.26) for CAD-RADS 4b and 5. The presence of HRP features showed significant associations to the time to event (Supplemental Figure 1) and was significantly associated with a higher hazard for the composite endpoint in univariate (HR 3.08; 95% CI: 2.04 to 4.65; p < 0.001) and multivariate analysis (HR 2.61; 95% CI: 1.71 to 3.98); p < 0.001 (Table 2).

Table 2 Association of Different Definitions for CAD Severity and HRP Characteristics With Adverse Events in PROMISE Patients

EventsUnadjustedAdjusted for ASCVD Risk Score (Continuous Variable)
HR (95% CI)p ValueHR (95% CI)p Value
Degree of stenosis by CTA with following definitions
 Traditional definition 1
  No CAD10/1,303 (0.8)Base---Base---
  Mild CAD (1%–49% stenosis)58/2,003 (2.9)3.82 (1.95–7.48)<0.0013.40 (1.73–6.70)<0.001
  Moderate CAD (50%–69% stenosis)18/294 (6.1)8.25 (3.81–17.86)<0.0016.91 (3.14–15.18)<0.001
  Severe CAD (≥50% stenosis of LM or ≥70% in any major vessel)29/240 (12.1)17.61 (8.58–36.14)<0.00113.26 (6.28–28.00)<0.001
 Traditional definition 2
  Normal (No CAD)10/1,303 (0.8)Base---Base---
  Mildly abnormal (1%–69% stenosis in any major vessels or <50% LM stenosis)76/2,297 (3.3)4.38 (2.26–8.46)<0.0013.82 (1.96–7.44)<0.001
  Moderately abnormal (≥70% in 1 major vessel)19/145 (13.1)19.21 (8.93–41.32)<0.00115.18 (6.92–33.29)<0.001
  Severely abnormal (≥2 vessel disease [≥70%] or ≥50% left main stenosis or ≥70% proximal LAD stenosis)10/95 (10.5)15.20 (6.33–36.53)<0.0019.62 (3.72–24.84)<0.001
CAD-RADS stenosis categories
 No plaque/stenosis: CAD-RADS 010/1,303 (0.8)Base---Base---
 1%–29%: CAD-RADS 125/1,236 (2.0)2.66 (1.28–5.54)0.0092.43 (1.16–5.08)0.019
 30%–49%: CAD-RADS 233/767 (4.3)5.70 (2.81–11.57)<0.0015.02 (2.45–10.28)<0.001
 50%–69%: CAD-RADS 318/294 (6.1)8.25 (3.81–17.87)<0.0017.03 (3.20–15.47)<0.001
 70%–99%: CAD-RADS 4a19/186 (10.2)14.38 (6.69–30.93)<0.00111.39 (5.16–25.12)<0.001
 ≥50% LM or ≥70% in 3 vessels or total occlusion: CAD-RADS 4b + 510/54 (18.5)30.80 (12.81–74.07)<0.00121.84 (8.63–55.26)<0.001
High-risk plaque features
 Absence of “vulnerable plaque”84/3,424 (2.5)Base---Base---
 Presence of “vulnerable plaque”31/416 (7.5)3.08 (2.04–4.65)<0.0012.61 (1.71–3.98)<0.001

Values are n/N (%), unless otherwise indicated.

CAC = coronary artery calcium; CAD = coronary artery disease; CAD-RADS = Coronary Artery Disease Reporting And Data System; CTA = coronary computed tomography angiography; LAD = left ascending coronary artery; LM = left main coronary artery.

∗ Presence of “vulnerable plaque” defined as 2 or more high-risk plaque features in at least 1 coronary plaque/segment. Adverse events include all-cause death, hospitalization for unstable angina, and MI.

Discriminatory capacity of stratification of CAD to predict events

The capacity to discriminate future events (all-cause death, MI, UAP) for the traditional definition 1, traditional definition 2, and CAD-RADS categories were c-statistic 0.717 (95% CI: 0.673 to 0.760), c-statistic 0.698 (95% CI: 0.658 to 0.739), and c-statistic 0.747 (95% CI: 0.703 to 0.792) respectively. CAD-RADS had significantly higher discriminatory value compared with both traditional definitions (p ≤ 0.001).

As determined by log-rank test in Kaplan-Meier estimates, CAD-RADS categories also showed significant associations to the time to event, with an increase in risk for the composite endpoint with the next higher category (p < 0.001) (Figures 2A to 2C).

Figure 2
Figure 2

Kaplan-Meier Estimates

Composite outcome estimates (death, MI, and UAP) by severity of stenosis using the (A) traditional definition 1,* (B) traditional definition 2,† and (C) CAD-RADS. *No CAD (0%); mild CAD (1% to 49% stenosis); moderate CAD (50% to 69% stenosis in any major vessels/branch); severe CAD (≥50% stenosis of left main [LM] or ≥70% in any major vessel/branch) Normal (absence of coronary atherosclerosis), mildly abnormal (nonobstructive CAD: 1% to 69% stenosis in any major vessels/branch or <50% LM stenosis), moderately abnormal (obstructive CAD: ≥70% stenosis in 1 major vessel/branch), and severely abnormal (high-risk CAD: 2 or more vessel disease (≥70%) or ≥50% LM stenosis or ≥70% proximal LAD stenosis) CAD-RADS = coronary artery disease reporting and data system; CAD-RADS 0 = no plaque/stenosis; CAD-RADS 1 = 1% to 29% stenosis; CAD-RADS 2 = 30% to 49% stenosis; CAD-RADS 3 = 50% to 69% stenosis; CAD-RADS 4a = 70% to 99% stenosis; CAD-RADS 4b and 5: ≥50% LM stenosis or ≥70% stenosis in 3 vessels or total occlusion.

Incremental value of CAD-RADS stenosis categories beyond CACS

Prevalence of CAC and the association to clinical events

Of 3,840 patients, 1,498 (39%) had CACS of 0. The CACS was 1 to 100 in 1,160 (30%), 101 to 400 in 676 (18%), and >400 in 506 (13%) patients. Across CACS categories, the prevalence of CAD significantly increased (p < 0.001) (Table 3). In patients with CACS of 0, 87% were free of CAD (CAD-RADS 0), whereas 12.3% (184 of 1,498) had nonobstructive disease (CAD-RADS 1 to 3), and 0.7% (11of 1,498) had obstructive disease (CAD-RADS 4 and 5). In 9.2% (17 of 184) of those patients with CACS of zero and nonobstructive disease (CAD-RADS 1 to 3), 2 or more HRP features were present, whereas HRP were present in 54.5% (6 of 11) of patients with a CAC of zero and obstructive disease (CAD-RADS 4 and 5).

Table 3 CAD-RADS Categories Across CACS Strata

CAD-RADS Stenosis CategoriesAll Patients (N = 3,840)CACS Strata
CACS 0 (n = 1,498)CACS 1–100 (n = 1,160)CACS >100–400 (n = 676)CACS >400 (n = 506)
No plaque/stenosis: CAD-RADS 01,303 (33.9)1,303 (87.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
1%–29%: CAD-RADS 11,236 (32.2)142 (9.5)774 (66.7)254 (37.6)66 (13.0)
30%–49%: CAD-RADS 2767 (20.0)35 (2.3)273 (23.5)261 (38.6)198 (39.1)
50%–69%: CAD-RADS 3294 (7.7)7 (0.5)68 (5.9)93 (13.8)126 (24.9)
70%–99%: CAD-RADS 4a186 (4.8)10 (0.7)36 (3.1)54 (8.0)86 (17.0)
≥50% LM or ≥70% in 3 vessels or total occlusion
54 (1.4)1 (0.1)9 (0.8)14 (2.1)30 (5.9)

Values are n (%).

CACS = coronary artery calcium score; other abbreviations as in Table 2.

Overall, the incidence of the composite endpoint increased across CACS categories (p < 0.001) as well as CAD-RADS stenosis categories within each CAC group (p < 0.001), as displayed in Table 4. Among patients with CAC scores of zero, 1.5% (22 of 1,498) experienced events. Ten of these patients had no visible CAD on CT (CAD-RADS 0). Nevertheless, the incidence of the primary endpoint increased with severity of CAD, reflected by increasing hazard ratios from 5.7 (95% CI: 2.3 to 14.5) for nonobstructive CAD (CAD-RADS 1 to 3) to 58.0 (95% CI: 18.1 to 185.3) for obstructive CAD (CAD-RADS 4 and 5), with a p < 0.001 for comparison with patients without plaque.

Table 4 Composite Outcome (All-Cause Death, Myocardial Infarction, Unstable Angina) by CAD-RADS Category Across CAC Strata

CAD-RADS Stenosis CategoriesAll Patients (N = 3,840)CACS Strata
CACS 0 (n = 1,498)CACS 1–100 (n = 1,160)CACS >100–400 (n = 676)CACS >400 (n = 506)
No plaque/stenosis: CAD-RADS 010/1,303 (0.8)10/1,303 (0.8)0/0 (---)0/0 (---)0/0 (---)
1%–29%: CAD-RADS 125/1,236 (2.0)6/142 (4.2)12/774 (1.6)5/254 (2.0)2/66 (3.0)
30%–49%: CAD-RADS 233/767 (4.3)2/35 (5.7)9/273 (3.3)14/261 (5.4)8/198 (4.0)
50%–69%: CAD-RADS 318/294 (6.1)0/7 (0.0)2/68 (2.9)8/93 (8.6)8/126 (6.4)
70%–99%: CAD-RADS 4a19/186 (10.2)3/10 (30.0)2/36 (5.6)7/54 (13.0)7/86 (8.1)
≥50% LM or ≥70% in 3 vessels or total occlusion
10/54 (18.5)1/1 (100.0)2/9 (22.2)3/14 (21.4)4/30 (13.3)
Total115/3,840 (3.0)22/1,498 (1.5)27/1,160 (2.3)37/676 (5.5)29/506 (5.7)

Values are n/N (%).

Abbreviations as in Tables 2 and 3.

Incremental value of CTA using CAD-RADS categories beyond CACS to predict events

Information about the burden of CAC (strata) significantly improved the discriminatory capacity of the ASCVD pooled cohort risk calculator to predict the composite endpoint of all-cause death, MI, and UAP (c-statistic 0.629 [95% CI: 0.572 to 0.687] vs. 0.682 [95% CI: 0.629 to 0.735]; p = 0.008), as displayed in Tables 5 and 6. Data from CTA using CAD-RADS categories (including HRP features) further incrementally increased the prognostic value to predict the composite endpoint (C-statistic 0.776; 95% CI: 0.734 to 0.818; p < 0.001) (Central Illustration). Stratified by CAC categories, the significant incremental value of coronary CTA over ASCVD risk stratification persisted as listed in Table 6.

Central Illustration
Central Illustration

Prognostic Value of Coronary CTA Using Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System in PROMISE

In this large contemporary trial of patients with stable chest pain randomized to coronary CTA, the Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS) including information about presence of high-risk plaque features (HRP) had higher prognostic value and discriminatory ability for future MACE (c-statistic 0.747) as compared to traditional stenosis-based assessment (c-statistic 0.698 to 0.717; p for comparison <0.001), (Kaplan-Meier curves for CAD-RADS for the prediction of the composite endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, or hospitalization for unstable angina over a median follow-up of 25 months on the top). Moreover, CAD-RADS added prognostic value over the ASCVD risk score and CAC score (table on the bottom), across all CAC strata.

Table 5 Incremental Value of CT-Based Assessment of CAD Using CAD-RADS Categories Beyond Risk Factors and CACS in the Overall Population

Univariable ModelC-StatisticMultivariable ModelsC-Statisticp Value (Difference Between Models)
ASCVD0.629 (0.572–0.687)
CACS0.657 (0.606–0.708)ASCVD+CACS0.682 (0.629–0.735)0.008
CAD-RADS (+HRP)0.747 (0.703–0.792)ASCVD+CACS+CAD-RADS(+HRP)0.776 (0.734–0.818)<0.001

ASCVD as continuous variable; CAC as categorical variable (0, 1 to 100, 101 to 400, >400 CACS), CTA per CAD-RADS definition including HRP (vulnerable plaque).

Abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2

∗ p value shows difference of the stepwise C-statistic comparison between the specific model and the consecutive model.

Table 6 Incremental Value of CT-Based Assessment of CAD Using CAD-RADS Categories Beyond Risk Factors and CACS Across CAC Strata

CACS Strata
CACS 0CACS 1–100CACS >100–400CACS >400
C-Statp ValueC-Statp ValueC-Statp ValueC-Statp Value
Model 1: ASCVD0.5390.6070.5510.572
Model 2: ASCVD + CAD-RADS (+HRP)0.7510.0050.7750.0230.6730.0310.6970.041

p value calculations: Model 2 vs. 1.

Abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.


In a large contemporary trial of patients with stable chest pain randomized to coronary CTA, we found that the CAD-RADS reporting system had greater prognostic value and discriminatory ability for future MACE than previous traditional stenosis-based categories. This can be explained by CAD-RADS’s more granular grading of nonobstructive and obstructive CAD, inclusion of both stenosis and plaque burden components, and the inclusion of HRP features. Our second major finding is that CAD-RADS adds substantial prognostic value over the ASCVD risk score and CACS across all CACS strata. Together, these results support the prognostic value of CAD-RADS for standardized reporting of coronary CTA.

Strengths of this study include that it was conducted within a large multicenter randomized controlled trial at 193 sites, with prospective enrollment of patients, collection of CTA, and independent adjudication of adverse events. In this analysis, coronary CT was interpreted for CAC, coronary artery stenosis, and high-risk coronary plaque features by a central core laboratory with expert CT readers blinded to clinical information and outcomes. These factors may explain why our results differ from that in a recent analysis of the CONFIRM registry, which found CAD-RADS did not have greater discriminatory value for MI or death (C-statistic CAD-RADS 0.705 vs. traditional 0.710; p = 0.78) (24). In the CONFIRM analysis, CTA stenosis was graded by local site physicians, who tend to call severe stenosis more often than blinded expert core laboratory readers (19). Furthermore, the CONFIRM analysis did not include HRP features, which are a part of CAD-RADS, because of their known prognostic value (12,25–28).

Our results should be interpreted in the context of previous PROMISE publications that assessed the prognostic value of CTA. First, Hoffmann et al.(14) compared the prognostic value of CTA with functional testing, finding that CTA had greater prognostic value. In contrast to the current study, this analysis used the local site interpretations of CTA and functional testing as well as disease categories tailored to allow comparison between CTA and functional testing, which may not reflect how coronary CTA is currently interpreted. A subsequent paper by Lu et al. found that blinded expert central core laboratory interpretation of coronary CTA found 41% fewer patients with stenosis ≥50% than the site readers, yet with better accuracy using quantitative invasive coronary angiography as the reference standard (19). Ferencik et al. (12) found that HRP features on coronary CTA were associated with MACE after adjustment for stenosis and ASCVD risk score; in this study, HRP was defined differently (any plaque with at least 1 high-risk feature, not including spotty calcification) than in CAD-RADS (2 HRP features in a single segment, including spotty calcification). Finally, Budoff et al. (15) compared the coronary artery calcium score to functional testing for estimating prognosis, finding that most patients having events had calcium scores >0 compared with fewer than one-half with an abnormality on functional testing. However, whether coronary CTA adds prognostic value beyond coronary calcium was not assessed.

A second major finding of our study was that CAD-RADS had greater prognostic value than the CACS. Although the CACS is one of the best-studied prognostic imaging biomarkers in asymptomatic populations (29–31), how it relates to stenosis, HRP, and events in symptomatic chest pain populations is not as well established. Indeed, CACS had limited value for diagnosing stenosis, with only one-half of patients with CACS >400 having stenoses ≥50% (Table 3). For those with a CACS between 101 and 400, only a quarter had a stenosis ≥50%. On the other hand, 13% (195 of 1,498) of patients with CACS of zero had detectable coronary plaque, and 6% (12 of 195) of patients with CACS of zero but detectable plaque on CTA experienced events in our analysis, an event rate twice as high as the overall population. It should be noted that of the 1,498 studies with CACS of zero, only 21 had events (15), yet a majority of these (12 of 21) occurred in the group with CACS of zero and nonobstructive CAD on CTA. This finding is complementary to CONFIRM observational data, finding that a minority of symptomatic patients with CACS of zero have coronary plaque on CTA and that this noncalcified plaque is associated with increased cardiac events (32). CAD-RADS had substantial incremental prognostic value over CACS, and this was true in all CACS strata (Table 5). One mechanistic explanation could be the fact that the prevalence of HRP in patients with severe stenosis was the highest in patients without CAC (55%; 6 of 11) and decreased with increasing CACS (45%; 52 of 116), reflecting the potentially higher vulnerability of plaque in patients with less CAC. The CRESCENT (Computed Tomography versus Exercise Testing in Suspected Coronary Artery Disease) randomized controlled trial, which used a tiered CT approach in patients with stable angina, suggested no need for CTA in patients without CAC and low pre-test probability (<70%) for obstructive CAD (16). In this trial, 98 of 242 patients (39%) without CAC and low pre-test probability did not undergo downstream testing, and no adverse events occurred after a follow-up of 1 year. The shorter follow-up in CRESCENT in comparison with PROMISE (median follow-up: 25 months) might partially explain the demonstrated value of CTA in patients without calcification in our analysis, as cardiovascular events in low-risk groups might not be apparent for years. Also, it is possible that events in PROMISE patients would have been even higher without the use of CTA, as CTA was shown to be associated with a higher proportion of patients newly initiated on aspirin and statins compared with standard of care (4). This demonstrates the need for longer follow-up, especially in cohorts with stable chest pain and expected low incidence of events.

A recent 1,769-patient analysis of the SCOT-HEART trial (33) found that both obstructive (≥70% stenosis) CAD and adverse plaque were associated with cardiac events; however, these associations were not independent of the CACS. This contrasts with our result that CAD-RADS had significant incremental prognostic value beyond both the ASCVD risk score and CAC. Besides the differences in demographics and outcomes between the 2 trials, differences in how stenosis and HRP were defined may explain the discrepancy. In SCOT-HEART, stenosis was categorized as normal (0%), nonobstructive (1% to 69%), or obstructive (≥70%). This approach provides less granular information about the degree of nonobstructive stenosis and presence of multivessel disease than CAD-RADS. Furthermore, SCOT-HEART defined adverse plaque as the presence of at least 1 plaque with positive remodeling or low attenuation, in contrast to the CAD-RADS “V” modifier that requires at least 2 HRP features in a single coronary plaque segment. Nevertheless, the unadjusted hazard ratio for adverse/high-risk plaque was similar between the 2 trials (SCOT-HEART HR 3.01 [1.61 to 5.63]; p < 0.001, PROMISE HR 3.08 [2.04 to 4.65]; p < 0.001). In the end, CAD-RADS is currently the preferred reporting system for coronary CTA by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), American College of Radiology (ACR), North -American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI), and American College of Cardiology (ACC); therefore, we believe it has the greatest clinical relevance.

Study limitations

First, PROMISE was a pragmatic trial in which the results of CTA were shared with patients and influenced management (34). A slightly modified CAD-RADS was evaluated, with a threshold of 30% instead of 25% between CAD-RADS 1 and 2. Overall, the prevalence of obstructive CAD was rather low, and CAD-RADS categories 4b and 5 were conflated because of small numbers. These data from a contemporary cohort of patients with stable chest pain reflects real-world practice. Patients with known CAD or previous interventions were excluded from PROMISE, and thus we could not investigate the prognostic value of the CAD-RADS S (stent) or G (graft) category modifiers.


In PROMISE, a large prospective trial of coronary CTA in patients with stable chest pain and suspected CAD, the CAD-RADS reporting system had greater prognostic value than ASCVD score, CACS, and traditional stenosis-based grading schemes.


COMPETENCY IN PATIENT CARE: For patients undergoing coronary CTA for stable chest pain, the CAD-RADS has greater prognostic value than traditional stenosis categories, the ASCVD risk score, and the CACS.

TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: CAD-RADS is currently recommended by several societies for the reporting of CAD on CTA; further research is necessary to determine whether improved prognostic value translates into improved clinical decision making and outcomes.

Abbreviations and Acronyms


atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease


coronary artery calcium score


coronary artery disease


Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System


computed tomography angiography


high-risk plaque


left main coronary artery


major adverse cardiovascular event


unstable angina


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For a supplemental figure and tables, please see the online version of this paper.


The parent PROMISE trial was supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants R01HL098237, R01HL098236, R01HL98305, and R01HL098235. Dr. Bittner was supported by NIH/NHLBI 5K24HL113128. Dr. Budoff has received grants from NIH during the conduct of the study and grants from General Electric outside the submitted work. Dr. Ferencik was supported by American Heart Association Grant 13FTF16450001; and has received grants from American Heart Association outside the submitted work. Dr. Douglas has received grants from HeartFlow outside the submitted work. Dr. Hoffmann was supported by K24HL113128; and has received grants from NIH-NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, during the conduct of the study; grants from Duke University/Abbott US; grants from HeartFlow, Inc. and Kowa Company, Ltd.; grants and nonfinancial support from MedImmne, LLC.; and personal fees and nonfinancial support from Abbott US, outside the submitted work. Dr. Lu was supported by the American Heart Association Precision Medicine Institute 18UNPG34030172 and the Harvard University Center for- AIDS Research 5P30AI060354-14; and has received research support to his institution from the American Heart Association, Nvidia, Kowa, and Medimmune, outside the submitted work. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors' institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information, visit the JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging author instructions page.